Business Agility (BA®) is a certification that allows validating agility knowledge such as the definition of agile, agile manifesto, when to use agile? Agile considerations within the company.
USD 200
Digital Transformation Management Certified (DTMC®) is a certification that validates the knowledge and skills of professionals who have performed in Agile and Digital Transformation processes in different organizations, managing to reinvent business models and improve results at the business level.
USD 150
Lean Startup Professional Certified® is a certification that helps you understand and apply the Lean Startup method for building an MVP. This certification is accredited by the DTA Institute™, and it generates value for you by increasing the success of your products.
UX & Product Development®️ (UXPD) is an advanced certification in User Experience, where the applicant must enroll in an official UX & Product Development®️ (UXPD) course with any company representing DTAI®️ to develop a real project about their company using the User Experience (UX) process. ®️).
USD 20000
Agile HR Expert Certified (Agile HR®) is a certification in Agile HR, where the applicant must enroll in an official Agile HR course with any company that represents DTAI®️, applying the tools and techniques for the creation of the culture and structure organizational.
USD 200
Business Agility (BA®) is a certification that allows validating agility knowledge such as the definition of agile, agile manifesto, when to use agile? Agile considerations within the company.
USD 200
This certification represents a significant achievement in the field of training and professional development. Granted by DTA Institute, the AAP certification symbolizes competence, commitment, and excellence in teaching.
USD 200
The Generative Artificial Intelligence Advanced certification is designed for professionals and enthusiasts aiming to master advanced applications of generative artificial intelligence. This program covers the strategic use of tools such as language models (ChatGPT), visual content generation (DALL·E), integration with custom workflows, and the creation of intelligent systems like advanced chatbots and automated platforms. Participants will gain hands-on skills to implement generative AI solutions in real-world projects, focusing on innovation, scalability, and optimization of complex processes.
USD 200